1973 Topps Basketball cards

This is a list of all 1973 Topps Basketball cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 1973 Topps Basketball cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Lucius Allen$0.99$14.50
Dennis Awtrey$2.05$10.00
Rick Barry$2.00$24.95
Butch Beard$4.99$19.00
Byron Beck$2.99$14.49
Fred Boyd$0.00$0.00
Don Buse$1.99$59.99
Corky Calhoun$2.99$11.50
Jim Chones$2.99$60.59
Bob Dandridge$7.99$9.99
Randy Denton$1.50$10.00
Jim Eakins$3.95$8.99
Joe Ellis$1.76$7.00
LeRoy Ellis$2.90$18.99
Chris Ford$2.24$22.49
Artis Gilmore$0.99$89.99
Gail Goodrich$1.75$31.00
Matt Guokas$6.00$10.00
Spencer Haywood$22.49$29.99
Garfield Heard$1.50$10.00
Gar Heard$0.99$10.00
Darnell Hillman$2.25$20.99
Les Hunter$2.99$18.99
Dan Issel$0.99$39.99
John Johnson$0.00$0.00
Steve Jones$0.00$0.00
James Jones$0.00$0.00
Toby Kimball$4.50$19.95
Stu Lantz$0.00$0.00
Jack Marin$0.99$1.99
Jim McDaniels$2.25$99.99
Jon McGlocklin$1.99$10.00
Otto Moore$2.90$7.99
Gene Moore$2.29$4.25
Calvin Murphy$2.47$39.99
Lloyd Neal$0.99$10.00
Billy Paultz$0.99$19.95
Clifford Ray$6.50$15.50
Pat Riley$4.00$124.99
Mike Riordan$0.00$0.00
Rick Roberson$3.00$15.50
Dave Robisch$0.99$7.95
Bob Rule$59.00$59.00
Cazzie Russell$2.00$6.05
Paul Silas$3.02$20.00
Ralph Simpson$18.95$20.00
Don Smith$1.90$7.99
Dick Snyder$0.99$9.99
Chet Walker$0.00$0.00
Jimmy Walker$0.00$0.00
Walt Wesley$9.99$39.00
John Wetzel$2.15$4.95
Sidney Wicks$11.99$18.99
Lenny Wilkens$3.99$44.99