Isaiah White Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Isaiah White (2017 Bowman Isaiah White Prospect Autograph Black 1/1) was sold in May 2022 for $49.99 while the cheapest item (2017 Bowman Chrome Auto Autograph Isaiah White #BCAR-IW) found a new owner for $0.99 in November 2023. The month with the most items sold (2) was November 2023 with an average selling price of $1.75 for an autographed item of Isaiah White. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in May 2022 with $49.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $0.99 was September 2016. In average, an autographed item from Isaiah White is worth $2.33.

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Current items with a signature of Isaiah White

These are the most current items with a signature of Isaiah White that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2016 Panini Elite Miami Marlins Prospect Isaiah White Color/Number Autographed $2.00logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Gold Refractor #CPA-IW Isaiah White 35/50$22.99logo
thumbnailIsaiah White 2017 Bowman Autograph$5.00logo
thumbnailIsaiah White 2017 Bowman Chrome Auto Prospect Autograph Reds$2.99logo
thumbnailIsaiah White 2017 Bowman Chrome Autograph Refractor Card /499 #CPA-IW$7.00logo

Traded items with a signature of Isaiah White

Most recently, these items with a signature of Isaiah White were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2015 BOWMAN #161 Isaiah White MIAMI MARLINS SIGNED AUTOGRAPH AUTO COA$3.00logo
thumbnail2016 Panini Elite Miami Marlins Prospect Isaiah White Color/Number Autographed $2.00logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Chrome Auto Autograph Isaiah White #BCAR-IW$0.99logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Chrome Isaiah White Prospect Auto Autograph #CPA-IW Reds$2.50logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Isaiah White Prospect Autograph Black 1/1$49.99logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Prospects Autograph Purple Isaiah White #PA-IW Auto #91/250$2.36logo
thumbnail2017 Bowman Prospects Orange Autograph #PA-IW Isaiah White Reds /25$3.00logo
thumbnail2017 Topps Bowman Chrome Isaiah White Autograph Cincinnati Reds$0.99logo
thumbnailISAIAH WHITE 2017 Bowman Chrome Prospect Autograph Baseball Card #CPA-IW AUTO$1.25logo
thumbnailIsaiah White Reds Bowman Chrome Green Refractor Signed Rookie Card! # 23/ 99!$3.50logo