Sports, Boxing

In the category "Sports, Boxing" we currently track items of 361 persons. The most popular ones, by number of traded items, are:

Mike TysonMuhammad AliKen Norton
Roy Jones, Jr.Manny PacquiaoLarry Holmes
Joe FrazierRoberto DuranGeorge Foreman
Floyd MayweatherJack DempseyMicky Ward
Evander HolyfieldJulio Cesar ChavezFloyd Patterson
Miguel CottoMax SchmelingRay Leonard
Marvin HaglerLeon Spinks 

You can find all people that we're currently tracking items for in the alphabetical index:
   A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    V    W    Y    Z    

Signed Boxing trading cards by manufacturer and year
