Larry Sanders Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Larry Sanders (Gary Shandling Signed Autobiography Of Larry Sanders Confessions Of A Late Night) was sold in January 2024 for $300.00 while the cheapest item (2010-11 Panini Prestige Larry Sanders Draft NY 10 Autograph 190/299) found a new owner for $0.99 in February 2022. The month with the most items sold (3) was April 2013 with an average selling price of $1.25 for an autographed item of Larry Sanders. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in February 2021 with $100.00 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $1.04 was May 2012. In average, an autographed item from Larry Sanders is worth $7.45.

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Current items with a signature of Larry Sanders

These are the most current items with a signature of Larry Sanders that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2010-11 Panini Classics Rookie Auto Larry Sanders 169 Milwaukee Autograph /699$0.99logo
thumbnail2010-11 Panini Prestige Larry Sanders #225 NM-MT Rookie RC AUTO Autograph Signed$7.99logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Signed 2010-11 Panini Prestige #225 Card Milwaukee Bucks Auto COA$5.99logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Signed Autographed 2013-14 NBA Hoops #117 Milwaukee Bucks$12.99logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Signed Autographed 2013-14 Panini Hoops Basketball Card #117 Auto$4.75logo
thumbnailLARRY SANDERS signed BUCKS 2014-15 Panini THREADS VIEW AUTO GU basketball card 8$12.95logo

Traded items with a signature of Larry Sanders

In total, we tracked 61 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Larry Sanders were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2010-11 Donruss #242 Larry Sanders Auto Rated Rookie Bucks Autograph /399$9.99logo
thumbnail2010-11 Panini Prestige #15 Larry Sanders Autograph Draft Patch 224/399 Bucks$5.00logo
thumbnail2010-11 Prestige Larry Sanders Rookie NBA Logoman Autograph Auto RC #9/10$11.50logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders 2014-15 Panini Threads View Autograph #8.$7.00logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders 8x10 Autograph COA Milawaukee Bucks VCU Fort Wayne NBA $5.95logo
thumbnailLARRY SANDERS Autographed 2011-12 Hoops IP AUTO SIGNED In Person$2.99logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Contenders Patches 2010-11 RC Rookie Ticket Autograph Auto$11.99logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Contenders Patches 2010-11 RC Rookie Ticket Autograph Auto Patch$9.79logo
thumbnailLarry Sanders Signed 2012 Panini Elite Series #91 Card Milwaukee Bucks Auto AU$2.99logo
thumbnailLARRY SANDERS signed BUCKS 2014-15 Panini THREADS VIEW AUTO ✅$5.00logo