Russ Smith Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Russ Smith (2013 LOUISVILLE CARDINALS TEAM SIGNED BASKETBALL JERSEY RUSS SMITH PITINO PROOF) was sold in April 2013 for $599.99 while the cheapest item (2014-15 Panini Totally Certified Present Potential Autograph Russ Smith #PPS-RSM) found a new owner for $0.99 in July 2024. The month with the most items sold (2) was December 2023 with an average selling price of $2.48 for an autographed item of Russ Smith. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in November 2021 with $49.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $0.99 was March 2020. In average, an autographed item from Russ Smith is worth $5.25.

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Current items with a signature of Russ Smith

These are the most current items with a signature of Russ Smith that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2014-15 Elite Status Signatures Blue #12 Russ Smith Autograph /49 $15.00logo
thumbnail2014-15 Excalibur Rookie Rampage Autograph Jerseys #9 Russ Smith Logoman /349$30.00logo
thumbnail2014-15 Panini Prizm - RUSS SMITH - Blue Prizm Autograph Rookie PELICANS #d/499$3.99logo
thumbnail2014-15 Prestige Russ Smith AUTOGRAPH Pelicans$2.49logo
thumbnail2014-15 Totally Certified Rookie Roll Call Autograph Mirror #RRCRS Russ Smith/25$15.00logo
thumbnailRuss Smith 2014 Totally Certified Rookie Roll Call Autograph Card /299 #RRC-RS$7.00logo
thumbnailRUSS SMITH 2014-15 Panini Threads Rookie View Autograph Memphis Grizzlies$4.95logo

Traded items with a signature of Russ Smith

Most recently, these items with a signature of Russ Smith were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2014 Panini Donruss Rated Signature Russ Smith #RR-RS RPA Rookie Patch Auto RC$3.00logo
thumbnail2014-15 Donruss Elite Basketball Russ Smith Die Cut Autograph ##58/99$1.75logo
thumbnail2014-15 Gold Standard Russ Smith Autograph Rookie #132/199$2.50logo
thumbnail2014-15 Hoops Hot Signatures #97 Russ Smith Autograph$6.00logo
thumbnail2014-15 Panini Totally Certified Present Potential Autograph Russ Smith #PPS-RSM$0.99logo
thumbnail2014-15 Preferred Russ Smith Rookie Silhouettes Patch Auto Autograph RC #22/25$15.51logo
thumbnailRuss Smith 2014-15 Elite ROOKIE RC AUTOGRAPH PURPLE DIE-CUT SSP PELICANS /74$3.99logo
thumbnailRuss Smith 2014-15 Panini Elite Rookie RC Auto Autograph /249$2.99logo
thumbnailRuss Smith 2014-2015 Auto Autograph Card$5.00logo

Latest News about Russ Smith

Louisville retires jersey of '13 NCAA champ Smith (01/23/22): Louisville retired the jersey of former standout Russ Smith on Saturday. Smith led the Cardinals to the 2013 NCAA championship and 2012 Final Four, appearances that were later vacated. Go to news article

Louisville to retire star Russ Smith's No. 2 jersey (01/03/22): Louisville plans to retire the No. 2 jersey number of former All-American guard Russ Smith at halftime of the Cardinals' game against Notre Dame on Jan. 22. Go to news article