George Groves Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of George Groves (Carl Froch And George Groves Duel Signed Framed Boxing Shorts £175) was sold in February 2024 for $289.83 while the cheapest item (George Groves Boxing Signed Photo) found a new owner for $9.09 in May 2021. The month with the most items sold (3) was November 2023 with an average selling price of $75.21 for an autographed item of George Groves. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in February 2024 with $289.83 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $9.09 was May 2021. In average, an autographed item from George Groves is worth $70.91.

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Current items with a signature of George Groves

These are the most current items with a signature of George Groves that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailGeorge Groves Signed Boxing Glove Everlast, Red (Pair, Right & Left)$249.26logo

Traded items with a signature of George Groves

Most recently, these items with a signature of George Groves were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailCarl Froch & George Groves Dual Signed Custom Made Boxing Glove AFTAL Coa Proof$197.86logo
thumbnailCarl Froch & George Groves Hand Signed Red VIP Boxing Glove Bid Fr$71.70logo
thumbnailCarl Froch & George Groves Hand Signed Red VIP Boxing Glove Bid Fr £55$71.70logo
thumbnailCarl Froch & George Groves Hand Signed Red VIP Boxing Glove Bid Fr £55$70.13logo
thumbnailCarl Froch & George Groves Hand Signed Red VIP Boxing Glove Bid Fr £55$69.27logo
thumbnailCarl Froch And George Groves Dual Signed Boxing Shorts BId From$103.47logo
thumbnailCarl Froch And George Groves Dual Signed Boxing Shorts BId From$97.77logo
thumbnailCarl Froch And George Groves Dual Signed Boxing Shorts BId From$100.56logo
thumbnailCarl Froch And George Groves Duel Signed Framed Boxing Shorts £175$289.83logo
thumbnailGeorge Groves Signed Boxing Glove Everlast, Red (Pair, Right & Left)$63.26logo