Cheryl Strayed Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Cheryl Strayed (WILD: From Lost to Found... By Cheryl Strayed - HC 1st/1st DJ - SIGNED COPY) was sold in August 2023 for $295.00 while the cheapest item (Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed (2015, Hardcover), SIGNED FIRST EDITION) found a new owner for $0.99 in January 2023. The month with the most items sold (5) was January 2023 with an average selling price of $11.00 for an autographed item of Cheryl Strayed. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in August 2023 with $172.50 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $5.38 was February 2023. In average, an autographed item from Cheryl Strayed is worth $19.99.

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Current items with a signature of Cheryl Strayed

These are the most current items with a signature of Cheryl Strayed that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail*Signed* Wild by Cheryl Strayed, First Edition/First Print, Hardcover in Jacket$49.99logo
thumbnailBrave Enough (Signed First Edition) - Cheryl Strayed - HC - VG$27.00logo
thumbnailBrave Enough by Cheryl Strayed (2015, Hardcover), Signed First Edition$25.00logo
thumbnailBrave Enough By Cheryl Strayed Signed First Edition $29.99logo
thumbnailNew Signed Collector’s Edition Leather Easton Press: WILD By Cheryl Strayed$169.00logo
thumbnailWild SIGNED by Cheryl Strayed Lost to Found on The Pacific Crest Trail SC 2013$29.00logo
thumbnailWild: From Lost To Found On The Pacific Crest Trail Signed by Cheryl Strayed$19.95logo

Traded items with a signature of Cheryl Strayed

Most recently, these items with a signature of Cheryl Strayed were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailBrave Enough by Cheryl Strayed (2015, Hardcover), Signed First Edition$29.99logo
thumbnailCheryl Strayed. Brave Enough. Signed first edition. Author of Wild COA Very good$27.50logo
thumbnailSIGNED Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed 2015 First Edition Free Shipping$12.95logo
thumbnailSigned, Cheryl Strayed, Wild, 2012, DJ $12.50logo
thumbnailSigned, Cheryl Strayed, Wild, 2012, Hardcover, DJ $8.50logo
thumbnailTiny Beautiful Things: Advice from Dear Sugar Signed By Cheryl Strayed Paperback$15.99logo
thumbnailWild (Pacific Crest Trail) Hardcover **FLAT SIGNED** By Cheryl Strayed$39.99logo
thumbnailWild by Cheryl Strayed (Signed, First Edition, Hardcover in Jacket)$75.00logo
thumbnailWild SIGNED by Cheryl Strayed Lost to Found on The Pacific Crest Trail$19.99logo