David Halberstam Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of David Halberstam (The Teammates SIGNED Johnny Pesky, Dom Dimaggio, David Halberstam) was sold in December 2022 for $125.00 while the cheapest item (Autographed by David Halberstam - The Amateurs - Paperback) found a new owner for $1.10 in July 2020. The month with the most items sold (4) was May 2023 with an average selling price of $24.00 for an autographed item of David Halberstam. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in January 2024 with $74.95 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $9.99 was March 2022. In average, an autographed item from David Halberstam is worth $27.00.

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Current items with a signature of David Halberstam

These are the most current items with a signature of David Halberstam that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailDavid Halberstam Signed Firehouse First Edition$125.00logo
thumbnailDavid Halberstam Signed Firehouse First Edition$125.00logo
thumbnailDavid Halberstam Signed Firehouse First Edition$125.00logo
thumbnailDavid Halberstam Signed Firehouse First Edition$125.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED by David Halberstam Defining a Nation: Our America Russell Baker HB DJ$29.95logo
thumbnailSIGNED The Education of A Coach by David Halberstam HC/DJ 1st ED/1st Print$99.99logo
thumbnailTHE CHILDREN BY DAVID HALBERSTAM Civil Rights Leaders ( *SIGNED* 1st Edition )$49.99logo

Traded items with a signature of David Halberstam

In total, we tracked 65 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of David Halberstam were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailEaston Press The Best And The Brightest Sealed Signed Edition David Halberstam $27.00logo
thumbnailEaston Press War In A Time Of Peace Signed First Edition David Halberstam$40.00logo
thumbnailFirehouse, SIGNED David Halberstam, Hardcover$29.99logo
thumbnailPlaying for Keeps Michael Jordan & The World He Made SIGNED by David Halberstam$31.49logo
thumbnailSIGNED David Halberstam, The Breaks of the Game, 1st, to Jon Spoelstra, Blazers$55.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED October 1964 by David Halberstam Hardcover HCDJ Cardinals Baseball, 1st$35.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED The Teammates David Halberstam 2003 Boston Red Sox 1st Edition HC/DJ$25.00logo
thumbnailThe Next Century 1991 HC First Ed. 1st Printing SIGNED by David Halberstam$25.00logo