Mary Ellen Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Mary Ellen (Ex-Slave, Mother Of Civil Rights, Mary Ellen Pleasant Scarce Signature) was sold in June 2023 for $795.00 while the cheapest item (Mary Ellen Chase Dated 1956 Author Signed Autograph Auto Cut) found a new owner for $0.01 in October 2015. The month with the most items sold (5) was January 2023 with an average selling price of $18.00 for an autographed item of Mary Ellen. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in July 2023 with $149.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $1.99 was October 2019. In average, an autographed item from Mary Ellen is worth $24.99.

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Current items with a signature of Mary Ellen

These are the most current items with a signature of Mary Ellen that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail*RARE* SIGNED Murder At the Locksmith Convention book MARY ELLEN COOPER$23.75logo
thumbnailDaughters of Allah. Paperback Book by Mary Ellen Wilton *Signed*$12.93logo
thumbnailJudy Norton Signed 8x10 picture The Waltons Mary Ellen Walton $10.95logo
thumbnailMary Ellen Hannibal~THE SPINE OF THE CONTINENT~SIGNED 1ST/DJ~NICE COPY$29.95logo
thumbnailSIGNED Mary Ellen Hopkins Lot Log Cabin Baker’s Dozen Connecting Up Quilts +more$45.00logo
thumbnailThe It's Okay If You Sit on My Quilt Book by Mary Ellen Hopkins, Signed$22.95logo
thumbnailTime and Other Fragile Gifts by Mary Ellen Tomaszewski (Signed Trade Paperback) $25.00logo

Traded items with a signature of Mary Ellen

Most recently, these items with a signature of Mary Ellen were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailBILL DIODATO Care of Ward 81 1st Edition Signed Hardcover Fwd Mary Ellen Mark$34.99logo
thumbnailIndian Circus by Mary Ellen Mark Signed First 1st Edition Hard Cover 1993$199.99logo
thumbnailMARY ELLEN MARK/ Marianne Fulton 25 Years Signed Copy 1st Edition 10/11$129.99logo
thumbnailMurder at the Locksmith Convention Signed Mary Ellen Cooper Paperback Unread$18.69logo
thumbnailPromise Of Tomorrow by Mary Ellen Taylor (Paperback) - AUTOGRAPHED COPY!$0.99logo
thumbnailSIGNED First Edition 1981 FALKLAND ROAD PROSTITUTES OF BOMBAY Mary Ellen Mark$70.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED First Edition 1981 FALKLAND ROAD PROSTITUTES OF BOMBAY Mary Ellen Mark$22.00logo
thumbnailStep Back in Time By Paula Barnes & Mary Ellen Robison Signed (13 Projects)$11.00logo
thumbnailTWINS - Photographs Mary Ellen Mark 2003 Hardcover DJ 1st Edition Signed$59.95logo
thumbnailVintage autograph photo of dancer Mary Ellen Moylan 1948-1949 8x10 b&w$30.00logo

Latest News about Mary Ellen

A Rebellious Victorian Woman Rescued From History’s Shadows (06/24/20): Diane Johnson’s “The True History of the First Mrs. Meredith” is a seething, stylish reclamation of Mary Ellen Peacock Meredith. Go to news article