Nikita Esco Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Nikita Esco (SIGNED AUTOGRAPH VERY SEXY PHOTO NIKITA ESCO--FRENCH/CHINESE MODEL) was sold in November 2011 for $25.00 while the cheapest item (Nikita Esco Autograph Signed Photo #27) found a new owner for $0.99 in December 2013. The month with the most items sold (3) was June 2020 with an average selling price of $4.99 for an autographed item of Nikita Esco. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in March 2018 with $24.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $4.99 was March 2021. In average, an autographed item from Nikita Esco is worth $4.99.

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Current items with a signature of Nikita Esco

These are the most current items with a signature of Nikita Esco that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailNIKITA ESCO model , BENCHWARMER 8 X 10 AUTOGRAPH PHOTO$19.99logo

Traded items with a signature of Nikita Esco

Most recently, these items with a signature of Nikita Esco were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #1 Exotic Go Go$14.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #101 Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #102 Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #103 Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #104 Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #105 Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed & Kissed Trading Card #6A Exotic Go Go$9.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #16 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #23 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #26 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #33 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #37 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #52 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #56 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo
thumbnailNikita Esco Glamour Import Model Signed Photo #7 Exotic GO GO Dancer$4.99logo