Shannon Messenger Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Shannon Messenger (Shannon Messenger Signed 1 ED/HB Book Keeper Lost Cities Unlocked JSA #LL64204) was sold in January 2023 for $174.99 while the cheapest item (Keeper of the Lost Cities Unlocked (Series #8.5) Shannon Messenger - Signed) found a new owner for $11.39 in May 2023. The month with the most items sold (3) was March 2023 with an average selling price of $85.00 for an autographed item of Shannon Messenger. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in January 2023 with $174.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $18.00 was May 2023. In average, an autographed item from Shannon Messenger is worth $48.84.

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Current items with a signature of Shannon Messenger

These are the most current items with a signature of Shannon Messenger that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail*SIGNED By Author* Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy by Shannon Messenger 2019$24.89logo
thumbnailShannon Messenger Signed Keeper Of The Lost Cities 2023 SC Book 1st Edition New$74.99logo
thumbnailShannon Messenger Signed Keeper Of The Lost Cities 2023 SC Book 1st Edition New$89.99logo
thumbnailSigned --Keeper of the Lost Cities Legacy by Shannon Messenger -2019 Hardcover $25.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED Keeper of the Lost Cities Ser.: Nightfall by Shannon Messenger 1st Pr/Ed$99.33logo
thumbnailSIGNED Keeper of the Lost Cities: Flashback by Shannon Messenger (Hardcover 1st)$39.95logo
thumbnailSIGNED Keeper of the Lost Cities: Nightfall 6 by Shannon Messenger, new autograp$219.99logo

Traded items with a signature of Shannon Messenger

Most recently, these items with a signature of Shannon Messenger were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail7 Keeper of the Lost Cities Shannon Messenger Books LOT HC Set, Vol 7 is signed$58.27logo
thumbnailKeeper of Lost Cities: Flashback by Shannon Messenger (Hardcover) Signed 1st/1st$22.95logo
thumbnailKeeper of the Lost Cities - Flashback (Shannon Messenger, 2018) Signed Hardcover$29.00logo
thumbnailKeeper of the Lost Cities Book Set (1-8), Book 8 Signed by Shannon Messenger$39.99logo
thumbnailKeeper Of The Lost Cities Graphic Novel Part 1 SIGNED Shannon Messenger$47.99logo
thumbnailKeeper Of The Lost Cities Graphic Novel Part 1 SIGNED SHANNON MESSENGER 1st Ed$49.69logo
thumbnailKeeper of the Lost Cities NIGHTFALL, 6, by Shannon Messenger, Hardcover - SIGNED$14.88logo
thumbnailShannon Messenger Signed 1 ED Book Keeper Lost Cities Stellarlune JSA #AH66905$149.99logo
thumbnailShannon Messenger Signed 1st Edition Book Keeper Lost Cities Stellarlune$65.00logo
thumbnailSHANNON MESSENGER SIGNED, Keeper of Lost Cities: Flashback, Hardcover, VG+$16.50logo