
Thomas Hart Autographs

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Current items with a signature of Thomas Hart

These are the most current items with a signature of Thomas Hart that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

PictureItem TitlePriceStore
thumbnail*SIGNED* Thomas Hart Benton: An American Original$97.50logo
thumbnail*SIGNED* Thomas Hart Benton: An American Original$97.50logo
thumbnail*SIGNED* Thomas Hart Benton: An American Original$97.50logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell, SIGNED by Thomas H. Benton, HCDJ, 1974$230.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell, SIGNED by Thomas H. Benton, HCDJ, 1974$230.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell, SIGNED by Thomas H. Benton, HCDJ, 1974$230.00logo

Traded items with a signature of Thomas Hart

The most expensive item with a signature of Thomas Hart (Hunter Thompson & Thomas Hart Benton Signed 20x26 1970 Aspen Sheriff Poster PSA) was sold in August 2019 for $4,499.99 while the cheapest item (Strikecom Book SIGNED Thomas Hart Paperback 1st Edition 2011 Military Fiction) found a new owner for $4.99 in March 2021. The month with the most items sold (3) was August 2023 with an average selling price of $39.99 for an autographed item of Thomas Hart. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in May 2021 with $450.00 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $20.00 was November 2023. In average, an autographed item from Thomas Hart is worth $99.99.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Thomas Hart were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

PictureItem TitlePriceStore
thumbnailSIGNED Thomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell HB/DJ Large Book 279 Pages - Estate$76.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED Thomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell HB/DJ Large Book 279 Pages - Estate$76.00logo
thumbnailSIGNED Thomas Hart Benton by Matthew Baigell HB/DJ Large Book 279 Pages - Estate$76.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton A Life by Justin Wolff SIGNED 2012 FIRST EDITION HC/DJ VG$25.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton A Life by Justin Wolff SIGNED 2012 FIRST EDITION HC/DJ VG$25.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton A Life by Justin Wolff SIGNED 2012 FIRST EDITION HC/DJ VG$25.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton Artist Signed Autograph on Postcard of Self Portrait Painting$101.12logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton Artist Signed Autograph on Postcard of Self Portrait Painting$101.12logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton Artist Signed Autograph on Postcard of Self Portrait Painting$101.12logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton memoir An Artist in America signed 1951$45.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton memoir An Artist in America signed 1951$45.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton memoir An Artist in America signed 1951$45.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton, (Signed) by Matthew Baigell$96.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton, (Signed) by Matthew Baigell$96.00logo
thumbnailThomas Hart Benton, (Signed) by Matthew Baigell$96.00logo