Carlos Alvarez Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Carlos Alvarez (Carlos Alvarez HOF 2011 Florida Gators Signed Mini Helmet) was sold in July 2017 for $89.99 while the cheapest item (2013 Topps MLS Superdraft Carlos Alvarez Autograph Auto #SDA-CA) found a new owner for $1.10 in April 2024. The month with the most items sold (2) was July 2013 with an average selling price of $39.74 for an autographed item of Carlos Alvarez. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in July 2017 with $89.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $1.25 was July 2024. In average, an autographed item from Carlos Alvarez is worth $19.99.

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Current items with a signature of Carlos Alvarez

These are the most current items with a signature of Carlos Alvarez that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailCARLOS ALVAREZ Autographed Signed Florida Gators Football Card #74 - NICE$30.00logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida College Football Hall of Fame Chip - SIGNED$23.89logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida College Football Hall of Fame Chip - SIGNED$23.89logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida College Football Hall of Fame Chip - SIGNED$13.29logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida College Football Hall of Fame Chip - SIGNED$13.29logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida College Football Hall of Fame Chips (5) - SIGNED$45.00logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez “The Cuban Comet” Florida CHOF Signed 3x5 index Card$29.99logo

Traded items with a signature of Carlos Alvarez

In total, we tracked 24 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Carlos Alvarez were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez 2014 Upper Deck Conference Greats Auto Autograph/Jersey #10 $1.25logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Autograph Football Card 1991 Hoby SEC #45 LE #D 771/1000$9.99logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez autographed football card 2014 Upper Deck Greats #10 Fla Gators$16.00logo
thumbnailCARLOS ALVAREZ Florida 2014 Upper Deck Conference Greats GOLD Autograph SP AUTO$26.99logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Florida Gators AUTO Signed 1991 SEC Hoby Miami FL 56T$10.00logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez HOF 2011 Florida Gators Signed Logo Football$19.99logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez HOF 2011 Florida Gators Signed Mini Helmet$89.99logo
thumbnailCarlos Alvarez Signed 8x10 Autographed Photo w COA$25.00logo
thumbnailCARLOS ALVAREZ Signed Trading Card Autograph Florida Gators Auto College FB HOF$15.99logo
thumbnailCARLOS ALVAREZ Signed Trading Card Autograph Florida Gators Auto College FB HOF$19.99logo