Natalia Tena Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Natalia Tena (Natalia Tena Signed 11x14 Harry Potter Nymphadora Game/Thrones Osha Exact Proof) was sold in February 2021 for $300.00 while the cheapest item (Natalia Tena photo autograph authentic signed TTM) found a new owner for $0.99 in March 2016. The month with the most items sold (13) was October 2020 with an average selling price of $27.00 for an autographed item of Natalia Tena. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in October 2022 with $129.05 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $3.87 was April 2019. In average, an autographed item from Natalia Tena is worth $19.95.

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Current items with a signature of Natalia Tena

These are the most current items with a signature of Natalia Tena that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2022 Game of Thrones Complete Series volume 2 RED SIGIL Natalia Tena autograph$24.95logo
thumbnailGame of Thrones The Complete Volume 2 Natalia Tena Sigil Autograph$16.95logo
thumbnailHarry Potter OOTPH Natalia Tena Nymphadora TONKS Autograph Card$175.00logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena - Game of Thrones - HP - Signed homemade trading card - COA$49.99logo
thumbnailNATALIA TENA Autographed Signed HARRY POTTER NYMPHADORA Photograph - To Lori$85.00logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena Signed Autograph 8x10 Photo GAME OF THRONES Harry Potter COA $39.99logo

Traded items with a signature of Natalia Tena

In total, we tracked 189 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Natalia Tena were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail2022 Game Of Thrones Natalia Tena As Osha Autograph Auto NNO$7.50logo
thumbnail2022 HBO Game Of Thrones Natalia Tena as Osha Auto Autograph JSKEN$8.50logo
thumbnailHarry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix Update Natalia Tena Autograph Card$92.00logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena as Osha GAME OF THRONES Complete Series Volume 2 Autograph Card$16.99logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena as Osha GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Inscription Autograph Card Auto$27.00logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena authentic signed autographed 8x10 photograph GA COA$14.99logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena Autographed Signed 8x10 Photo BAS COA$12.99logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena Autographed Signed 8x10 Photo BAS COA$23.50logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena Osha Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Full-Bleed Autograph Card. (L20)$15.50logo
thumbnailNatalia Tena Tonks Harry Potter Signed 8x10 Photo JSA COA VV28550$45.00logo