Paul Horgan Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Paul Horgan (The Fault of Angels by Paul Horgan First Edition 1933 Signed TWICE Autograph) was sold in September 2024 for $299.99 while the cheapest item (Signed Paul Horgan First 1st Edition Book Citizen Of New Salem 1961) found a new owner for $0.01 in August 2019. The month with the most items sold (2) was February 2021 with an average selling price of $53.94 for an autographed item of Paul Horgan. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in March 2021 with $125.00 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $8.30 was August 2019. In average, an autographed item from Paul Horgan is worth $18.50.

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Current items with a signature of Paul Horgan

These are the most current items with a signature of Paul Horgan that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailPeter Hurd. A Portrait Sketch From Life. Signed by Paul Horgan$75.00logo

Traded items with a signature of Paul Horgan

Most recently, these items with a signature of Paul Horgan were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail TYPED LETTER SIGNED BY PAUL HORGAN - American Pulitzer Prize-winning author$75.00logo
thumbnailA Gallery of Clerihews Signed Paul Horgan Comic Verse Poetry 1984 $26.00logo
thumbnailCITIZEN OF NEW SALEM Signed BY Paul Horgan 1st Ed 1961 ORIGINAL VERY GOOD hc/dj$39.00logo
thumbnailCONQUISTADORS IN NORTH AMERICAN HISTORY Paul Horgan Signed 1st ED DJ Protected$20.00logo
thumbnailGreat River Rio Grande by Paul Horgan 2 Volumes in Case Rinehart 1954 Signed$125.00logo
thumbnailGreat River Rio Grande by Paul Horgan 2 Volumes in Case Rinehart 1954 Signed $125.00logo
thumbnailLimited Edition Paul Horgan Northland Press Slipcase Vintage Author Signed 1980 $32.88logo
thumbnailPaul Horgan EVERYTHING TO LIVE FOR 1968 Signed To Irv Kupcinet 1ST Printing$27.20logo
thumbnailPaul Horgan, typed letter signed, manuscript$45.00logo
thumbnailSigned Paul Horgan First 1st Edition Book Citizen Of New Salem 1961$0.01logo
thumbnailsigned Paul Horgan limited edition book ROME ETERNAL in slipcase FREE SHIPPING$16.59logo
thumbnailThe Centuries of Santa Fe Paul Horgan 1976 New Mexico History Autographed$17.00logo
thumbnailWhitewater Signed and Inscribed by Paul Horgan To Irv Kupcinet W/ Newspaper Clip$11.20logo