Len Wood Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Len Wood (GLEN, LEONARD, EDDIE & LEN WOOD Signed Autographed Wood Brothers Crew Shirt, #21) was sold in February 2016 for $199.99 while the cheapest item (1992 TRAKS LEN WOOD #122 HAND AUTOGRAPHED NM-MT) found a new owner for $0.30 in July 2009. The month with the most items sold (5) was April 2011 with an average selling price of $1.50 for an autographed item of Len Wood. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in February 2016 with $199.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $0.30 was July 2009. In average, an autographed item from Len Wood is worth $1.99.

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Current items with a signature of Len Wood

These are the most current items with a signature of Len Wood that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail1994 HIGH GEAR LEN WOOD NASCAR LEGEND Autographed Signed CARD$1.99logo
thumbnail1994 MAXX LEN WOOD NASCAR LEGEND Autographed Signed CARD$1.99logo
thumbnailLen Wood #122 signed autograph auto 1991 Traks NASCAR Racing Trading Card$15.00logo
thumbnailLen Wood signed 1992 BLACK MAXX card NASCAR WOOD BROTHERS #117$3.99logo
thumbnailLEN WOOD SIGNED 1992 MAXX RED RACING #117 - NASCAR$3.00logo
thumbnailLen Wood signed 1992 Traks card NASCAR WOOD BROTHERS #122$3.99logo

Traded items with a signature of Len Wood

In total, we tracked 99 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Len Wood were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnail1992 BLACK MAXX LEN WOOD NASCAR LEGEND Autographed Signed CARD$1.00logo
thumbnail1994 MAXX LEN WOOD NASCAR LEGEND Autographed Signed CARD$1.00logo
thumbnailEddie & Len Wood signed 1991 MAXX card NASCAR WOOD BROTHERS #159$9.99logo
thumbnailEddie LEN WOOD 1991 MAXX WINSTON CUP #159 autographed VINTAGE NASCAR RACING card$11.99logo
thumbnailGLEN Eddie Len Wood 1991 MAXX #159 VINTAGE NASCAR WINSTON CUP autographed card$19.99logo
thumbnailGlen EDDIE Len Wood VINTAGE 1991 MAXX #159 autographed NASCAR card$13.49logo
thumbnailLen Wood NASCAR 1992 Traks #122 Wood Brothers Racing Autographed Signed$0.99logo
thumbnailLEN WOOD SIGNED 1992 MAXX RED RACING #117 - NASCAR$2.55logo
thumbnailLEN WOOD SIGNED 1993 MAXX RACING #103 - NASCAR$3.00logo