Fred Leslie Autograph

The most expensive item with a signature of Fred Leslie (Fred Leslie, NASA Astronaut, Signed & Inscribed 8 x 10 Color Photo, COA) was sold in February 2016 for $34.99 while the cheapest item (Fred Leslie Signed 4x6 Photo NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut STS-73 Autograph Auto) found a new owner for $0.01 in June 2023. The month with the most items sold (3) was July 2023 with an average selling price of $0.85 for an autographed item of Fred Leslie. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in January 2016 with $34.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $0.01 was October 2022. In average, an autographed item from Fred Leslie is worth $6.59.

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Current items with a signature of Fred Leslie

These are the most current items with a signature of Fred Leslie that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailFred Leslie Signed 5x3 Autographed Index Card IDC NASA Space Astronaut STS73 #01$14.99logo
thumbnailFred Leslie Signed Autographed Auto 4x6 Photo NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut$5.99logo
thumbnailSTS-73 NASA Space Shuttle Panama Astronaut FRED LESLIE Signed Photo ZARELLI LOA$40.00logo

Traded items with a signature of Fred Leslie

In total, we tracked 59 items since 01/01/2008. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Fred Leslie were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailFRED LESLIE Authentic Hand Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo - NASA ASTRONAUT$1.25logo
thumbnailFRED LESLIE Authentic Hand Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo - NASA ASTRONAUT$0.75logo
thumbnailFRED LESLIE Authentic Hand Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo - NASA ASTRONAUT$1.36logo
thumbnailFRED LESLIE Authentic Hand Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo - NASA ASTRONAUT$0.85logo
thumbnailFRED LESLIE Authentic Hand Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo - NASA ASTRONAUT$0.75logo
thumbnailFred Leslie Signed 4x6 Photo NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut STS-73 Autograph Auto$0.01logo
thumbnailFred Leslie Signed Autograph 4x6 Photo NASA Space Astronaut Auto$3.05logo
thumbnailFred Leslie Signed Autographed Auto 4x6 Photo NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut$5.99logo
thumbnailNASA astronaut FRED LESLIE signed AUTOGRAPH 3182$3.89logo