1973 Topps Baseball cards

This is a list of all 1973 Topps Baseball cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 1973 Topps Baseball cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Hank Aaron$5.24$1103.55
Doyle Alexander$2.49$50.00
Bernie Allen$0.75$5.99
Mike Andrews$1.99$5.99
Stan Bahnsen$0.99$9.99
Dusty Baker$0.99$137.50
Sal Bando$1.30$19.95
Jim Barr$0.99$11.72
Glenn Beckert$0.99$14.99
Buddy Bell$0.99$64.99
Jerry Bell$0.85$6.00
Steve Blass$0.99$8.99
Glenn Borgmann$0.99$10.00
Darrell Brandon$2.25$5.99
John Briggs$1.82$1.82
Ed Brinkman$0.99$11.50
Pete Broberg$0.99$6.50
Al Bumbry$1.75$29.99
Jeff Burroughs$0.99$9.99
Mike Caldwell$0.99$11.50
Dave Campbell$0.50$7.99
Bernie Carbo$0.79$29.99
Danny Cater$0.99$6.50
Horace Clarke$0.79$12.00
Nate Colbert$1.25$59.99
Casey Cox$0.99$9.95
George Culver$0.99$8.99
Brock Davis$1.99$39.00
Johnny Edwards$0.50$3.95
John Ellis$7.00$14.99
Andy Etchebarren$0.99$64.00
Jim Fairey$1.24$5.00
Carmen Fanzone$0.99$9.59
Ed Farmer$0.99$10.00
Tim Foli$0.95$6.99
Terry Forster$2.34$39.99
George Foster$4.25$178.00
Phil Gagliano$0.99$5.00
Wayne Garrett$1.51$14.99
Steve Garvey$2.99$97.20
Fred Gladding$0.99$6.99
Bill Gogolewski$0.99$5.00
Dave Goltz$0.75$7.50
Billy Grabarkewitz$0.99$5.99
Wayne Granger$0.99$12.99
Bobby Grich$0.99$12.60
Doug Griffin$1.58$26.00
Jerry Grote$2.94$21.50
Dave Hamilton$0.99$36.99
Rich Hand$1.49$10.00
Roric Harrison$0.99$19.99
Rich Hebner$0.99$14.99
Ed Herrmann$0.99$11.99
Jack Hiatt$0.50$5.00
John Hiller$0.99$24.50
Rich Hinton$6.05$29.99
Jim Holt$0.99$17.50
Gail Hopkins$0.99$9.00
Willie Horton$1.04$34.99
Terry Humphrey$0.99$4.95
Jerry Johnson$5.52$49.00
Bob Johnson$0.99$16.00
Bart Johnson$0.99$8.99
Al Kaline$7.50$177.70
Eddie Kasko$0.99$50.00
Fred Kendall$0.99$7.99
Harmon Killebrew$6.50$69.99
Steve Kline$0.99$8.50
Lee Lacy$0.99$9.99
Ray Lamb$0.99$6.99
Hal Lanier$0.99$11.50
Bill Lee$0.99$12.00
Frank Linzy$0.99$4.99
Sparky Lyle$1.99$25.00
Angel Mangual$4.92$110.00
Dave Marshall$0.75$7.55
Jim McAndrew$0.99$19.95
Tim McCarver$3.30$35.00
Denny McLain$2.81$40.00
Denis Menke$0.95$10.00
Roger Metzger$0.75$26.00
Norm Miller$0.99$5.99
Don Money$0.99$7.99
Monty Montgomery$0.99$20.50
Craig Morton$0.00$0.00
Jim Nettles$0.99$12.99
Fred Norman$0.99$16.99
Al Oliver$2.00$12.99
Jim Palmer$11.50$74.99
Milt Pappas$1.49$28.02
Marty Pattin$0.99$10.00
Mike Paul$0.49$10.00
Gaylord Perry$3.25$49.95
Bill Plummer$0.32$7.00
Doug Rader$1.37$7.99
David Roberts$0.00$0.00
Ellie Rodriguez$1.99$12.99
Cookie Rojas$1.25$45.00
Gary Ross$0.99$34.99
Joe Rudi$1.54$54.99
Ken Rudolph$0.22$7.99
Ray Sadecki$0.25$19.99
Manny Sanguillen$0.95$35.00
Mickey Scott$0.99$20.01
Chuck Seelbach$0.99$9.99
Jim Spencer$0.99$21.95
Paul Splittorff$1.04$15.00
Jim Strickland$0.75$7.00
Chuck Tanner$1.84$24.99
Ken Tatum$0.99$11.00
Chuck Taylor$0.99$45.00
Derrel Thomas$0.99$5.99
Danny Thompson$20.50$76.00
Jeff Torborg$0.79$9.99
Rusty Torres$0.99$9.99
Del Unser$0.99$9.95
Steve Yeager$0.99$44.99
Jim York$0.98$5.99
Chris Zachary$3.25$29.99