1976 Topps Baseball cards

This is a list of all 1976 Topps Baseball cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 1976 Topps Baseball cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Hank Aaron$23.95$579.99
Glenn Abbott$0.89$10.00
Vic Albury$0.99$19.99
Bob Allietta$0.99$6.01
Sandy Alomar$0.99$19.95
Jesus Alou$2.25$24.99
Rob Andrews$0.55$5.99
Rick Austin$0.50$5.00
Rick Baldwin$0.99$18.00
Sal Bando$0.99$18.00
Ray Bare$1.50$39.00
Jim Barr$0.99$8.00
Jack Billingham$0.99$59.95
Larvell Blanks$0.99$24.99
Bobby Bonds$3.58$70.00
Glenn Borgmann$0.99$4.99
Ken Boswell$0.99$10.00
Buddy Bradford$0.43$7.50
Jim Brewer$1.49$24.95
Lou Brock$6.09$135.00
Jack Brohamer$0.99$9.99
Al Bumbry$1.00$10.00
Jeff Burroughs$0.99$12.99
Tom Buskey$1.50$11.00
Bill Butler$1.99$22.50
Enos Cabell$1.80$7.00
Bill Campbell$1.49$8.00
Buzz Capra$0.50$4.99
Rico Carty$0.99$19.99
Dave Cash$0.99$19.99
Ron Cey$0.99$14.45
Dave Chalk$1.00$67.99
Larry Christenson$0.99$4.99
Jim Colborn$0.99$8.75
Dave Collins$1.49$10.00
Jim Crawford$4.99$65.00
Ed Crosby$5.18$5.18
Mike Cubbage$0.99$12.97
Tommy Davis$1.50$19.99
Don DeMola$1.99$4.76
Rick Dempsey$0.99$19.99
Larry Dierker$0.01$8.99
Brian Downing$0.99$28.77
Al Downing$0.79$4.99
Denny Doyle$0.99$12.99
Dan Driessen$2.50$49.00
Dennis Eckersley$5.00$359.99
Andy Etchebarren$0.99$5.00
Joe Ferguson$1.49$14.97
Barry Foote$0.25$4.26
Terry Forster$0.01$12.01
Alan Foster$0.99$10.00
Steve Foucault$0.49$7.00
Jim Fregosi$1.99$12.97
Woodie Fryman$0.99$10.00
Oscar Gamble$1.04$59.00
Gene Garber$0.99$6.01
Mike Garman$0.99$4.00
Wayne Garrett$0.99$10.00
Steve Garvey$2.50$165.00
Cesar Geronimo$6.01$199.00
Dave Giusti$0.99$9.99
Dave Goltz$0.99$5.95
Ed Goodson$6.01$75.10
Rich Gossage$2.79$29.88
Goose Gossage$3.25$282.98
Tom Grieve$0.99$9.99
Johnny Grubb$0.99$3.95
John Hale$1.25$7.00
Dave Hamilton$4.00$4.99
Steve Hargan$0.99$5.00
Mike Hegan$0.99$35.00
Ken Henderson$0.95$7.00
George Hendrick$1.04$45.00
Ed Herrmann$0.99$30.00
John Hiller$0.25$30.00
Burt Hooton$0.99$10.00
Charlie Hough$1.25$21.61
Tom House$0.99$7.00
Roy Howell$0.25$10.00
Al Hrabosky$0.99$50.00
Terry Humphrey$0.99$3.95
Mike Ivie$0.99$49.00
Grant Jackson$0.99$5.99
Jesse Jefferson$0.25$17.38
Fergie Jenkins$4.99$36.00
Bob Johnson$0.99$13.96
Tim Johnson$0.99$8.00
Jay Johnstone$1.04$21.71
Randy Jones$0.99$225.00
Skip Jutze$1.25$10.00
Pat Kelly$1.64$20.00
Fred Kendall$0.99$4.45
Ed Kirkpatrick$0.99$12.95
Don Kirkwood$0.95$5.99
Bruce Kison$0.99$19.99
Darold Knowles$1.00$4.99
Kevin Kobel$0.06$8.00
Doug Konieczny$4.00$12.99
Ted Kubiak$0.99$5.50
Lee Lacy$2.99$12.95
Lerrin LaGrow$0.99$8.00
Dick Lange$0.50$8.95
Jim Langer$0.00$0.00
Dennis Leonard$0.99$6.99
Paul Lindblad$1.54$24.40
Larry Lintz$0.99$14.49
Gene Locklear$0.99$8.00
Elliott Maddox$0.99$10.00
Rick Manning$0.95$10.00
Tippy Martinez$0.99$7.00
Milt May$0.99$9.99
Tug McGraw$5.95$89.99
Joe McIntosh$0.75$10.00
Ken McMullen$0.89$5.00
Luis Melendez$1.25$10.00
Bill Melton$0.95$7.99
Rudy Meoli$1.58$4.99
Mike Miley$0.99$950.00
Steve Mingori$2.00$14.99
Paul Mitchell$0.99$5.47
George Mitterwald$0.99$5.00
Don Money$0.99$14.99
Tom Murphy$1.99$5.50
Morris Nettles$0.49$14.99
Tim Nordbrook$0.99$12.99
Fred Norman$4.00$20.59
Mike Norris$0.99$39.99
Johnny Oates$0.99$39.99
Claude Osteen$0.99$3.95
Amos Otis$0.99$99.51
Tom Paciorek$0.49$19.99
Stan Perzanowski$1.80$14.00
Jack Pierce$19.99$94.00
Dick Pole$0.99$25.00
Darrell Porter$6.01$134.20
Eric Raich$1.50$5.99
Ron Reed$1.99$14.99
Ken Reitz$0.99$13.00
Merv Rettenmund$0.99$14.00
Rick Reuschel$1.25$3.99
Leon Roberts$0.99$9.00
Brooks Robinson$0.99$112.50
Aurelio Rodriguez$5.00$21.26
Cookie Rojas$0.99$10.00
Phil Roof$0.01$5.25
Vern Ruhle$1.49$11.51
Dick Ruthven$3.99$22.50
Ken Sanders$0.99$4.99
Bill Sharp$1.51$10.00
Bill Singer$0.99$24.99
Reggie Smith$2.25$45.00
Tony Solaita$4.99$49.00
Jim Spencer$0.99$22.99
Dan Spillner$1.99$19.99
Fred Stanley$0.99$8.00
Willie Stargell$19.75$115.00
Rusty Staub$3.25$199.00
John Stearns$0.99$25.00
Bill Stein$0.99$9.99
Brent Strom$0.79$10.00
Don Sutton$3.25$60.12
Steve Swisher$0.99$8.00
Frank Tanana$0.10$10.00
Gorman Thomas$1.75$20.00
Andy Thornton$0.95$11.00
Luis Tiant$1.04$59.00
Jim Todd$0.60$7.99
Dave Tomlin$0.99$5.50
Hector Torres$0.99$8.00
Bill Travers$0.99$14.95
Wayne Twitchell$0.99$15.01
Tom Underwood$0.01$8.00
Mike Vail$0.99$7.48
Bobby Valentine$0.99$49.99
Pete Varney$0.99$9.00
Rick Waits$0.99$6.00
Tom Walker$1.25$10.00
Stan Wall$1.25$9.99
Dan Warthen$0.99$4.00
Dave Winfield$9.99$320.00
Rick Wise$0.99$10.36
Robin Yount$1.00$119.99