1979 Topps Hockey cards

This is a list of all 1979 Topps Hockey cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 1979 Topps Hockey cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Bill Barber$1.99$1.99
Serge Bernier$0.00$0.00
Mel Bridgman$1.00$12.00
Ted Bulley$2.76$2.76
Gerry Cheevers$7.99$15.00
Bob Dailey$1.00$12.00
Rick Dudley$0.00$0.00
Greg Fox$3.50$3.50
Mark Howe$1.30$22.00
Willie Huber$29.99$29.99
Bobby Hull$4.09$69.99
Dan Labraaten$0.00$0.00
Guy Lapointe$2.99$12.00
Greg Malone$0.49$3.25
Walt McKechnie$0.00$0.00
Vaclav Nedomansky$0.82$29.99
J. P. Parise$2.57$9.99
Brad Park$0.49$34.95
Larry Patey$0.00$0.00
Robert Picard$3.97$3.97
Denis Potvin$5.50$20.00
Serge Savard$1.99$1.99
Steve Shutt$7.99$7.99
Darryl Sittler$12.00$35.00
Ron Stackhouse$2.00$10.00
Ryan Walter$0.59$2.99
John Wensink$1.25$12.00
Tom Younghans$0.99$7.99