1999 Topps Baseball cards

This is a list of all 1999 Topps Baseball cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 1999 Topps Baseball cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Hank Aaron$74.99$1999.99
Marlon Anderson$0.00$0.00
Nate Bump$0.99$4.79
A.J. Burnett$0.99$31.00
Sean Burroughs$0.99$5.99
Miguel Cairo$1.99$4.99
Ryan Christenson$0.00$0.00
Ben Coates$0.00$0.00
Steve Colyer$0.99$4.99
Carl Crawford$0.99$77.66
Jose Garcia$1.50$3.99
Brian Giles$0.99$3.99
Tyrell Godwin$3.99$3.99
Creighton Gubanich$0.99$12.00
Livan Hernandez$0.99$9.99
Junior Herndon$0.99$3.99
Paul Hoover$0.69$2.95
Jason Jennings$0.99$12.50
Lance Johnson$0.00$0.00
Austin Kearns$0.99$24.99
Masao Kida$0.00$0.00
Matt Mantei$2.00$2.00
Ryan Mills$0.76$5.50
Shane Monahan$0.00$0.00
Scott Mullen$0.99$9.99
Omar Ortiz$10.52$10.52
Kit Pellow$1.00$1.58
Mark Quinn$0.99$4.01
David Segui$1.99$1.99
Kyle Snyder$0.76$3.99
Brett Tomko$0.99$0.99
Eric Valent$0.99$3.99
Javier Valentin$0.99$2.25