2007 Topps Baseball cards

This is a list of all 2007 Topps Baseball cards that we have tracked so far. For each name you will find the lowest and highest price this card was sold for in the past. Click here to see more 2007 Topps Baseball cards for sale.

PictureNameMin PriceMax Price
Manny Acta$1.25$10.97
Drew Anderson$0.99$6.50
Josh Anderson$5.00$5.00
Joaquin Arias$0.25$7.99
Josh Beckett$0.99$75.00
Buddy Bell$7.99$10.00
Yogi Berra$15.50$270.00
Casey Blake$0.99$7.15
Chris Booker$0.00$0.00
Bill Bray$1.55$3.23
Matt Brown$0.00$0.00
John Buck$2.00$2.00
Andy Cannizaro$0.84$6.99
Matt Capps$0.99$3.99
Brett Carroll$0.99$6.05
Alexi Casilla$0.99$12.95
Travis Chick$0.50$4.13
Todd Coffey$0.99$12.00
Bobby Cox$1.04$66.57
Matt Diaz$0.99$4.99
Cory Doyne$1.76$3.00
Chris Duncan$6.99$25.00
Mark Ellis$0.99$9.99
Terry Evans$0.20$3.75
Prince Fielder$1.04$79.99
Brian Giles$1.58$9.99
Roy Halladay$2.25$306.00
Josh Hamilton$1.80$49.99
Wes Helms$0.99$4.25
Clay Hensley$0.99$10.47
Rich Hill$1.25$20.00
Philip Humber$0.99$9.99
Clint Hurdle$1.04$2.99
Jason Isringhausen$3.99$12.50
Kelly Johnson$1.30$5.25
Garrett Jones$0.99$8.25
Al Kaline$39.95$139.95
Don Kelly$0.99$3.99
Ryan Langerhans$1.00$3.80
Brian Lawrence$0.99$1.49
James Loney$0.28$10.00
Sean Marshall$0.99$12.99
Gil Meche$2.99$4.99
Travis Metcalf$0.20$5.50
Andrew Miller$0.99$74.99
Jason Miller$0.25$6.99
Patrick Misch$0.99$4.99
Scott Moore$0.99$6.99
Brandon Morrow$0.99$5.99
Oswaldo Navarro$0.98$5.50
Ricky Nolasco$0.99$5.00
Juan Perez$0.99$9.99
Mike Piazza$15.50$979.00
Juan Pierre$0.99$7.99
Scott Proctor$0.26$8.00
Shawn Riggans$0.73$7.99
Dennis Sarfate$0.28$3.49
Chris Schroder$3.00$8.00
Mike Scioscia$8.00$14.99
Brian Stokes$0.60$7.99
Curtis Thigpen$0.97$2.79
Scott Thorman$0.99$1.25
Ehren Wassermann$0.99$1.99
Brandon Watson$0.74$2.00
Brandon Wood$0.75$6.99
Delwyn Young$0.49$7.99
Chris Young$0.55$24.99
Ben Zobrist$0.79$39.99