Ronald Reagan Autographs
Ronald Reagan was an American politician, who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. He began his political career in 1966 when he was elected as Governor of California. Reagan was known for his conservative views and his belief in limited government and free market capitalism. As Governor of California, he enacted policies that reduced welfare and cut taxes.
In 1980, Reagan ran for President of the United States and won in a landslide victory, capturing 44 of the 50 states. During his two terms in office, Reagan oversaw a number of significant events, including the end of the Cold War, the Iran-Contra scandal, and the impact of the Reaganomics policies. Reagan was known for his conservative political views and his strong anti-communist stance. He was also known for his strong leadership style and his ability to inspire the American people.
Reagan's presidency was marked by his commitment to reducing the size of government and cutting taxes. He believed that the government should play a limited role in the lives of the American people and that a free market economy was the key to prosperity. Reagan's presidency was also marked by his tough stance on national defense and his efforts to strengthen the military. As a result of his leadership, the United States emerged from the Cold War as the world's sole superpower. Reagan remains a beloved figure in American politics and his legacy continues to influence the policies and attitudes of the Republican Party to this day.
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Current items with a signature of Ronald Reagan
These are the most current items with a signature of Ronald Reagan that were listed on eBay and on other online stores - click here for more items.
Traded items with a signature of Ronald Reagan
The most expensive item with a signature of Ronald Reagan (President RONALD REAGAN Single Signed OAL BASEBALL Rawlings MLB JSA Autograph) was sold in May 2021 for $12,000.00 while the cheapest item (RONALD REAGAN - Original Autograph Clip - 40th U.S. President & Hollywood Actor) found a new owner for $0.01 in April 2022. The month with the most items sold (40) was December 2022 with an average selling price of $73.80 for an autographed item of Ronald Reagan. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in January 2011 with $1,595.00 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $3.25 was December 2008. In average, an autographed item from Ronald Reagan is worth $75.00.
Most recently, these items with a signature of Ronald Reagan were sold on eBay - click here for more items.
Latest News about Ronald Reagan
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It’s Not Reagan’s Party Anymore (08/10/2023): Ronald Reagan’s “three-legged stool” coalition supported the G.O.P. for decades. Our latest poll leaves little doubt that Donald J. Trump has put an end to that era.
Hard Questions if Biden’s Approval Doesn’t Follow Economy’s Rise (07/21/2023): This is about the time when many presidents see their standing turn around, including Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
The Frequent Fliers of Congress Consider New Flights for Washington Airport (07/04/2023): Dozens of lawmakers are seeking to loosen a law that limits long-distance flights to and from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. For some of them, success could mean a shorter commute.
Older News Stories about Ronald Reagan
C. Boyden Gray, Lawyer for the Republican Establishment, Dies at 80 (05/2023): A former Democrat, he served as White House counsel under George Bush and aided presidents including Ronald Reagan and Donald J. Trump. How Reagan and Bush Overcame Their Skepticism of Gorbachev (09/2022): Mr. Gorbachev was charming and presented himself as a modernizer, but neither Ronald Reagan nor George Bush was convinced he was for real. They would both be proved wrong.
Lauro Cavazos, First Hispanic Cabinet Member, Dies at 95 (03/2022): A sixth-generation Mexican American and a Democrat, he was secretary of education, straddling the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. How CPAC Went From 'City Upon a Hill' to 'Anti-Anti-Putin' (02/2022): An annual meeting of conservatives was a launchpad for Ronald Reagan’s American idealism. Today, it’s a platform for a very different view of the world. Senate Confirms Biden’s 40th Judge, Tying a Reagan-Era Record (12/2021): President Biden saw more of his judicial nominees confirmed in his first year than any president since Ronald Reagan. The Senate confirmed 18 federal judges in Donald Trump’s first year.
Turned off by Trump, Maryland’s GOP governor casts write-in vote for Ronald Reag (10/2020): Gov. Larry Hogan is campaigning for other Republican moderates, hoping to forge a national network. RNC, Trump campaign told to stop using President Reagan to raise money (07/2020): The Ronald Reagan foundation asked the Republican groups to cease selling commemorative coins with Reagan’s images.
‘Somewhere between Ronald Reagan and the Pope’: Before he crossed Trump, these R (06/2020): Now that the general has rebuked Trump's entire presidency, they're suddenly not so willing to say such nice things. All is fair in the war on Trump | Reagan (12/2018): I don't care about Stormy Daniels or Trump's other sexual flings, either. I don't even care if he slept with my gardener. As long as he didn't sleep with Hillary, I'm good.\n
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Downtown bridge could be named after Ronald Reagan (01/2014): The new Interstate 65 bridge linking downtown Louisville with Southern Indiana would be named the 'Ronald W. Reagan Memorial Bridge' under a resolution filed Thursday by Sen. Dan Seum, R-Louisville. Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan File Lawsuit Over Cancers, Radiation Sickness fro (12/2013): Sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan, which helped in the rescue effort after the tsunami struck Japan in March 2011, have since experienced a variety of illnesses, which they say are due to radiation exposure. They have filed a federal … Continue reading → Right lanes of SB I-71 before Ronald Reagan Hwy. reopen after crash (11/2013): The right lanes of SB I-71 were closed before exit 14, Ronald Reagan Highway, due to an accident. Hidden History—1983: Before the Invasion A Reporter Visits Grenada and Disproves (10/2013): Thirty years ago, the US launched a vicious military attack on the small Caribbean island nation of Grenada. President Ronald Reagan claimed a new airport under construction was intended to provide Russian aircraft with a strategic base in the Americas. 30 Years Later, Ronald Reagan's Hearing Aid Fitting Still Reverberates Around th (09/2013): Thirty years ago this September, President Ronald Reagan made headlines when he appeared in public wearing a Starkey INTRA hearing aid. As a powerful influencer and one of the firs What ‘The Butler’ gets wrong about Ronald Reagan and race (08/2013): Four presidential historians say the film gets it wrong. Ronald Reagan got a handbagging over US action in Grenada from Margaret Thatcher (07/2013): Margaret Thatcher made clear her distaste for US military intervention in the Commonwealth territory, recognising it as a slight on the Queen’s authority as head of state.
Briefly: Angelina Jolie, Jim Carrey, Ronald Reagan (06/2013): The star makes her UN Security Council debut and gets results. The actor distances himself from latest film. And other brief news from here and elsewhere. Quoted: James Brown on Ronald Reagan (05/2013): The Godfather of Soul gave props to the Great Communicator in a 1984 interview: "Most intelligent. . . president we've ever had." Nazareth students made a portrait of Ronald Reagan using jelly beans in 1988 - A (04/2013): A Volkswagen Beetle driven into a lake stayed afloat long enough for the driver to tow it to shore in 1963. Group Invokes Ronald Reagan Shooting to Prod GOP on Background Checks (03/2013): Can Reagan get GOP behind background checks? Ronald Reagan and Conservatives in the Wilderness (02/2013): It seems like political conservatives are in the wilderness right now. Having been beaten in the November 2012 elections and fracturing even more since, some are turning on each other.
Former President Ronald Reagan's childhood Chicago home set to be demolished and (01/2013): The apartment building where Reagan spent part of his youth has been slated to be turned into a parking lot after the University of Chicago, which may house Obama's library, purchased the property. British felt snubbed as Ronald Reagan kept Queen waiting for RSVP (12/2012): Newly released documents have revealed that in 1982, the Reagan White House took a long time to reply to a personal invitation from Queen Elizabeth II for President Reagan and his wife Nancy to stay with her at Windsor Castle during a planned visit to England. Did Ronald Reagan tax Americans more heavily than President Obama? (11/2012): A New York Times analysis finds that most Americans paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes in the '80s than they do now. Can that be? Former Ronald Reagan horse property in Murrieta for sale (10/2012): MURRIETA — A 30-acre horse property in Murrieta’s Tenaja Valley, formerly part of a ranch owned by Ronald Reagan when he was governor, is for sale for $3.9 million, it was reported today. California Gov. Brown signs off on Ronald Reagan statue (09/2012): SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill authorizing construction of a Ronald Reagan statue inside the California Capitol in Sacramento. Ronald Reagan hologram was reportedly in the works for RNC (08/2012): In the run-up to the Republican National Convention, rumors circulated that the “mystery guest” might be a visitor from beyond Mayor, Ronald Reagan appear in new T-SPLOST ads (07/2012): The final push to win votes for the transportation referendum features names from across the political spectrum, but opponents of the proposed penny-on-the-dollar tax still believe they are winning the Ronald Reagan sailor killed in Bremerton crash (06/2012): The Washington State Patrol identified the sailor killed in a crash at Bremerton as 21-year-old Emmanuel Meraz of Guadalupe, Calif. Ronald Reagan's tribute to Henry M. Jackson (05/2012): Ronald Reagan presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson's family in 1984. From left: Anna Marie Jackson, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Helen Jackson and Peter Jackson.
THE RACE: Spirit of President Ronald Reagan invoked by both Romney and Obama cam (04/2012): There they go again. President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney both like to channel Ronald Reagan. Neither one should probably push it too far. Analysis: Who is the true heir to Ronald Reagan? (03/2012): Republican legend was far more conciliatory than GOP presidential candidates. More politics & government State Representative Dwayne Bohac Announces Effort to Complete Ronald Reagan Mem (02/2012): HOUSTON, TX-- - StateRepresentative Dwayne Bohac is pleased toannounce the creation of the RonaldReagan Memorial Highway Fund , a nonprofit organization formed to raisemoney needed to complete the U.S. ... Eric Alterman: Think Again: "As Ronald Reagan Said... Oh Never Mind" (01/2012): Conservative media outlets are falling all over themselves looking for the "true" heir to Ronald Reagan. Thing is, Ronald Reagan actually raised capital-gains taxes.
Newt Gingrich Compares Himself to Ronald Reagan (12/2011): The former House Speaker says his bid for the GOP nomination is 'exactly' like the 1980 Republican primary. He's wrong. Rick Perry Copies Ronald Reagan Tactic in Debate Comeback Effort (11/2011): From National Journal: CAMPAIGN 2012 Scenes from the Debate POLITICSFACT CHECK: A Reality Check of Candidate Statements National Security ANALYSIS: No One Really Measured Up Richard Gere, Ronald Reagan, and Bob Dylan Have All Lived Here (10/2011): Before he moved to the White House, Ronald Reagan lived next door to the future site of this house and purchased the lot for extra privacy NKY gets Ronald Reagan Highway (09/2011): State Rep. Adam Koenig, R-Erlanger, announced today that signs will be erected on Interstate 275 in Kentucky, officially designating this stretch of road as "Ronald Reagan Highway" in tribute of the nation's 40th president, Ronald Wilson Reagan. Obama could learn from Ronald Reagan (08/2011): If President Obama really wants to get the U.S. economy going again, he could do worse than to study the results of my Dad’s 1981 Economic Recovery Act, which boosted the economy by leaps and bounds. National debt talks stir memories of Ronald Reagan (07/2011): WASHINGTON (AP) — Ronald Reagan might as well be sitting in on the troubled debt talks, so frequently is his memory invoked by both sides. Ronald Reagan, champion of freedom (06/2011): Fifty-five years ago, freedom reigned for a brief moment in Communist Hungary. On October 23, 1956, student protesters marched through the streets of Budapest demanding an immediate end to their Soviet-dominated government. WH invokes Ronald Reagan in effort to raise debt ceiling (05/2011): Both political parties are continuing to spin the upcoming vote to raise the debt ceiling. House Republicans, for instance, are holding a test vote today to demonstrate that a "clean" debt-ceiling measure -- that is, one without attached spending cuts -- doesn't have enough … Donald Trump: Ronald Reagan Was A Con Man Who Couldn't 'Deliver The Goods' (04/2011): Today, real estate mogul Donald Trump proudly declares that Ronald Reagan is the President he admires most. ... Naming the Orange County Great Park After Ronald Reagan Gets Scholarly Stamps of (03/2011): A 25-year-old law has presented a snag in getting a statue of Ronald Reagan erected in a Newport Beach park. But who needs a statue when you can have an entire park named in your honor? And not just Bob Burnett: Ronald Reagan: Setting the Record Straight (02/2011): Shakespeare wrote, "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." In American politics the process is reversed,... Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address (01/2011): Sen. Hatfield, Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. President, Vice President Bush, Vice President Mondale, Senator Baker, Speaker O'Neill, Reverend Moomaw, and my fellow citizens: Jim DeMint: Sarah Palin Has 'Done More For The Republican Party Than Anyone Sinc (12/2010): What's Your Reaction? Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) recently perpetuated comparisons between Sarah Palin and the Gipper, announcing that the former Alaska governor has "done more for the Republican Party than anyone since Ronald Reagan."